An elementary-only independent school located in Atlanta, serving children ages three through Sixth Grade since 1951.

Georgia Tax Credit Program

Passed in May 2008, the Qualified Education Expense Credit (HB 1133) law allocates funds each year toward Student Scholarship Organizations (SSOs), which provide financial assistance to students who are Georgia residents and who are either currently enrolled in public school or eligible to enroll in a qualified kindergarten or pre-kindergarten program. Through this program, Georgia taxpayers may redirect a portion of their state tax liability to an independent school of their choice. In doing so, a Georgia State income tax credit is available for the tax year in which the redirection is made.

Credit Limits

  • Single individual or head of household: up to $2,500;
  • Married couple filing joint return: up to $5,000;
  • Married couple filing a separate return: up to $2,500;
  • C corporation or Trust: up to 75 percent of income tax liability;
  • Shareholders of an S-corp, members of an LLC, or partners in a Partnership: Please consult with your tax professional regarding this opportunity. 

Trinity and Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program

Trinity has partnered with Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program (GOAL), the first and leading SSO formed in the state of Georgia, to administer this program. Through GOAL, Trinity families and friends can redirect a portion of their Georgia state tax liability to Trinity’s financial assistance program. It is important to note that in the distribution of these funds, Trinity utilizes the high standards and legal process it employs in the distribution of all financial assistance awards.

Participating in the Tax Credit Program

Our partnership with GOAL makes participation in this program easy. GOAL provides a paperless process for redirecting tax dollars to Trinity. Please click here to complete your form online.

Payment will be accepted after January 1, 2025. All payments made early will be held by GOAL until the D.O.R. approval letter (Step 2) is received. Your check will be deposited by GOAL within 30 days of the approval date. You can also pay by credit card on the GOAL website by clicking here.

For more information, please visit or contact our GOAL representative, Allison Saxby at 770-828-4033 or or Katie Rosengren, Associate Director of Advancement, at 404-231-8116 or

While we appreciate your help securing additional funding for our financial assistance program, your participation cannot be deemed a donation. It is a redirection of tax monies already owed to the state. As always, we are grateful for your continued support for The Trinity Fund, Spotlight on Art, and other fundraising initiatives that make the Trinity Experience truly exceptional.

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 12 frequently asked questions.

  • How does the Georgia Private School Tax Credit Program work?

    The Qualified Education Expense Credit (HB 1133) law allocates funds each year toward Student Scholarship Organizations (SSOs), which provide financial assistance to students who are Georgia residents and who are either currently enrolled in public school or eligible to enroll in a qualified kindergarten or pre-kindergarten program.

    Through this program, Georgia taxpayers may redirect a portion of their state tax liability to an independent school of their choice. In doing so, a Georgia state income tax credit is available for the tax year in which the redirection is made.
  • How does my participation benefit Trinity?

    This program allows Trinity families and friends the opportunity to redirect a portion of their state tax liability to support the Schools budget for financial assistance. The funding received from this program provides aid for incoming financially eligible Trinity students who are either currently enrolled in public school or entering Pre-K or Kindergarten. It is important to note that in the distribution of these funds, Trinity utilizes the high standards and legal process it employs in the distribution of all financial assistance awards.
  • Does my participation in the program count as a donation to Trinity?

    No. Participation in the Georgia Private School Tax Credit Program is a redirection of tax monies already owed to the state. As always, we are grateful for your continued support for The Trinity Fund, Spotlight on Art, and other fundraising initiatives that make the Trinity Experience truly exceptional.
  • Do I have to wait until January 2025 to participate in the program?

    No. GOAL began accepting early applications for the 2025 Tax Credit Program on June 3, 2024. While applications cannot be officially filed with the Department of Revenue until January 2025, they will be prepped for input and filed in the order received. Last year, the $120 million allocated for the program was claimed on the first business day of the year. 
  • How do I participate in the program for 2025?

    Because there are limited tax credits available each year ($120 million for 2025), a taxpayer who is interested in contributing to GOAL must be pre-approved by the Georgia Department of Revenue (“DOR”). This simply means that the DOR sets aside a certain amount of the available tax credits specifically for the respective taxpayer.

    So, the taxpayer will submit his or her 2025 tax credit application to GOAL. Then GOAL will take care of every remaining step, and will remind the taxpayer when action is required. Each step in the process is outlined below:
    1. GOAL Submits Taxpayer Application to DOR: On the first business day of 2025, GOAL will submit the taxpayer’s request for a 2025 tax credit to the DOR. Shortly thereafter, GOAL will notify taxpayer by email that the application has been submitted.
    2. DOR Informs Taxpayer of Approval: Taxpayer will receive a DOR Approval Letter approximately 30 days after GOAL submits the application, indicating the amount for which he or she is approved.
    3. DOR Informs GOAL of Taxpayer Approval: GOAL also receives notice of taxpayer’s DOR approval, and GOAL will email him or her detailed instructions regarding payment deadline and options.
    4. Taxpayer Makes Payment to GOAL: When notified of DOR approval (by DOR Approval Letter or email from GOAL), taxpayer must submit payment to GOAL before his or her 60-day payment deadline.
    5. GOAL Mails Taxpayer Tax Receipt: GOAL will send taxpayer an acknowledgement letter and tax receipt (Form IT-QEE-SSO1), within 90 days of payment being deposited.
    6. Taxpayer Claims Georgia Income Tax Credit: When taxpayer files their 2025 taxes, he or she will take a Georgia tax credit. Tax filing guidance will be available on GOAL’s website.
  • When do I submit my payment for 2025?

    After submitting your form to GOAL, GOAL will then submit the form to the Department of Revenue on the first business day of 2025. If approved, you will be notified by the DOR that you are approved for a credit and for what amount. You have 60 days from the date of approval to fund your credit by submitting a check or credit card to GOAL.
  • When is the deadline for participation in the program for 2025?

    The program ends for the year when the $120 million set aside for 2025 is exhausted or on December 31, 2025. The $120 million set aside for tax year 2024 was exhausted on January 2, 2024, the first business day of the year.  
  • How does the program work for shareholders of an S-corp, members of an LLC, or partners in a partnership?

    Any individual who receives income from one or more of the entities listed above is declared eligible to participate at a higher level. Due to new benefits for pass-through businesses, we recommend that you consult with your tax professional about this opportunity. 
  • What happens if the Department of Revenue receives requests for more than the $120 million cap on the first business day of the year?

    If the Department of Revenue receives requests for more than $120 million on the first business day of the year, all credits will be prorated. In 2024, all credits were prorated and approved for 63 percent of the requested amount. 
  • Can my company match my donation goal?

    Yes. Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and therefore qualifies to receive corporate matching funds. Participants should ask their Human Resources or Community Relations office to find out if their employer has a matching gift policy and for paperwork. After completing the paperwork, the participant will submit the form to GOAL to confirm the donation so that the process can be completed.
  • How much has Trinity received from the Georgia Private School Tax Credit Program?

    Trinity has received more than $2,500,000 in support of financial assistance since 2009 when we began participating in the program. In 2024 alone, the School received more than $360,000 from 81 participants.
  • How many Trinity students have benefitted from the program?

    As a result of the Georgia Private School Tax Credit Program, Trinity has been able to provide financial assistance to more than 50 outstanding students since we began participating in the program.
© 2017 Trinity School. All Rights Reserved
4301 Northside Parkway NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 |
Phone: 404-231-8100 | Fax: 404-231-8111